I awakened my inner Do-M thanks to this^ guy.(they took down their horizontal banner so =/)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Okay so....

There hasn't been much progress with this at all URGH. *flips table*
i guess i was kinda busy, i guesss...........................................................

i busy was okay???!!! DDD<

So now i'm back??? in black! jkjk, i wont use the same this i used on my dA. XD
What drove me back to my idea of having a FREQUENTLY UPDATED blog is prolly cause of my addiction to otome games again. Yep, i'm back baby!! XDDD but not yet to yaoi games ATM, even though the dark side has cookies!! DDD<
So recently i'm playing Musketeer. (if you hadnt noticed the banner on top.) currently stuck at athos' route, wanted porthos though. ;^; hahaha i think ash was bored with otomes games cause when she played for like 30mins she was getting annoyed and saying "WHERE'S THE KISSING PART" and i'm like "WAAAAAAAAY BACK GIRL YOU'RE ONLY AT CHAPTER 1 HAHAHAHAHA." she was interested in Rochefort. ;) I'M FOR CONSTANTINE ALL THE WAY!!!!<3<3<3
and also i have Project Diva. i think mine's the 2nd one. I think. completed all songs on normal! AND URGHHH GOD DAMMMMIT HARD IS REALLY HARD!!! i can complete the song, but apparently sega made it that NO, YOU MUST BE REALLY REALLY GOOD AND GET 200+ COMBOS TO PASS. ELSE YOU AIN'T NO VOCALOID OTAKU. wtffffffffffff is this asdfk i don't have average brain-hand coordination okay???!!
and because of Musketeer i learnt how to screenshot on the psp! 8D so hur hur hur within 10mins already got 60+ shots alr. =w=V

Might start on what-ever i was going to do on this blog soon. (like reviews, tutorials and shizz??!!)
MOTIVATE ME PEOPLE. (not that i'll have anyone come here anyway pffffft.)
hey i was trying really hard to figure out wordpress, but i ended up sticking to blogger cause i'm more used to the controls. ;w; BE GRATEFUL.

kk end off here. this post is unproductive anyways.

EDIT: btw, like my header? 8D i made it!~ original art by redjuice, supercell. for Guilty Crown

Saturday, March 26, 2011


created an official blog for my stuff. =w=

this blog shall contain all my cosplay photos/ progress, reviews on random things like contact lens, etc. all my crap shall be here. 8D

i'll be posting things slowly.........